Wednesday 31 December 2008

Thoughts and Resolutions for 2009

New Year's thoughts:

A: I don't always do the things I say I'm going to do. I think there are two main reasons: (1) something seems obvious and important when I say I'm going to do it, but I then completely forget about it, and (2) I think of the thing I am supposed to do at times when I am either unwilling or unable to do it. I want to be the type of person whose word is as good as gold.

B: I spend too much time playing video games. They're fun. They're escapist. But there are too many things I'd like to look back at having done instead of playing video games.

C: I'm 32. If I don't get into good shape now, I probably never will. I'm not in bad shape (walking 40 minutes every weekday helps), but I'm not in great shape, either.

D: I'm not a terribly social person, meaning that I don't crave or actively seek out social contact. That's not a new realization; I've known it for a long time. And it's not necessarily a bad thing. But I've been thinking about it recently. While I'm generally happy being somewhat of a loner, I need to do a better job taking care of relationships that matter.

New Year's resolutions:

A.1: I am going to come up with a reliable system of keeping track of things I need to do. For the system to work, I either need to be able to access it at all times or I need to be disciplined at keeping temporary lists that I then reconcile with a larger system. Possible solutions that I think might work for me are: (a) a mobile-phone-based system (such as rememberthemilk or toodledo on an iPhone) or (b) a written-list system, reconciled on a regular basis with a computer-based system (again, such as rememberthemilk or toodledo). I think (a) might work better for me because of the fun gadget factor, but I will do a little research before jumping into it.

A.2: I am going to allocate at least 3 hours each week to taking care of miscellaneous personal tasks I wouldn't normally take care of (e.g., filing, cleaning my home office, etc.).

A.3: I am going to allocate at least 3 hours each week to taking care of miscellaneous church tasks (meaning church tasks other than (a) preparing for the next Sunday, (b) performing visits and interviews, and (c) implementing the program or initiative I am currently obsessing over, three things which I already do fairly well and which take 10-20 hours per week on average).

B.1: I am not going to play any video games in 2009, except: (a) multiplayer video games and then *only* when either (i) someone else initiates the game or (ii) the game is part of a pre-planned group activity, and (b) Wrath of the Lich King through the earlier of (i) the end of January and (ii) the completion of Icecrown.

B.2: I am going to build a database-driven web site using MySQL, PHP, and JavaScript. (I feel ok with JavaScript and think MySQL can't be that different from other relational databases I'm familiar with, but I don't know anything about PHP.)

B.3: I am going to record at least one new Christmas song to send to people for Christmas in 2009.

B.4: I am going to mark at least 365 verses of my scriptures in 2009. My goal is to read every day until I mark at least one verse (the idea being that, because I have a system for marking and don't do it arbitrarily, I will have had to contemplate what I've read at least a little). However, making that into a resolution would be unrealistic, so the resolution is to mark the scriptures. Verses marked in excess of the number of days elapsed in the year will not be counted except during December, so that I can catch up but not get ahead (until the holiday season).

C.1: I am going to work out (meaning at least 8 minutes aerobic exercise and at least 2 strength training exercises) at least 20 times each quarter-year in 2009. In no more than 10 calendar weeks during the year will I fail to work out at least once.

D.1: I am going to post on my personal blog at least twice each calendar month in 2009.

D.2: I am going to speak with each member of my family on the phone at least once a quarter in 2009. (Believe it or not, non-Vincents, that would be a significant improvement!)

D.3: I am going to speak with at least two leaders in my ward on the phone each week, on a rotating basis (in addition to PPIs).

D.4: I am going to take each person I manage at work for "coffee" at least once each month.

D.5: I am going to make a video for Sophie's first birthday, comprised of pictures and video clips from her first year. I will do so in a somewhat standardized format with the goal of making a similar video every year for each of my kids.

E.1: I am going to systematically keep track of my progress on each of these resolutions and report on my progress on this blog at least once every two months.


Rachel said...

Dave, this is awesome. I feel that i often think of things that I want to do and then they fall by the wayside because 1) I don't write them down and end up forgetting and 2) even when I don't forget I have don't set specific measurable goals often enough. You have inspired me. I am going to also set some new year's goals. Thanks Dave.

David said...

Thanks, Rache.

I had started experimenting with a few weeks ago, and I found it somewhat useful, except that: (1) I didn't have a good way of recording new to-do tasks if I wasn't at my computer and (2) I wasn't completely happy with the sorting and tracking options.

I've tried out over the past few days, and I think I prefer it because it deals a lot more to my liking with point (2). It's fairly customizable and helps order things by importance based on due dates and priorities.

Both Remember the Milk and Toodledo have iPhone apps. I played around with the Toodledo app on Nathali's brother's iPod Touch. It seems decent (and has more functionality that the Remember the Milk mobile web app, although I haven't tried their dedicated iPhone app). You can also do things offline, so as long as you have your iPhone / iPod Touch with you, you can keep track of things.

I don't have an iPhone or iPod Touch, though, so I'm still thinking about options. I could just try to get myself to keep a little notepad with me or something, and then to reconcile it from time to time. That would have the advantage of not causing additional awkwardness in church meetings.

Also, Nathali's brother Daniel showed me his LiveScribe Pulse. It looks more or less like a regular pen, but records audio and then allows you to play back the audio that was recorded when you wrote a specific note down. That would be useful because you could write a very short note and then later go back and listen to exactly what was said in case you forget details. But you have to use special paper, and it might be a pain to remember it.

The ideal thing, I think, would be a voice-to-text app on a mobile device (one that processes the audio on the mobile device instead of sending the audio to a web server for processing, which is how the existing apps work). But I haven't been able to find one.

Sarah said...

Dave, I also am impressed with your resolutoin list. It is very thorough and well thought out and organized. I haven't made my resolution list quite yet, but you have inspired me and I am going to do it tonight.
Best of luck with yours!

David said...

Painful: I haven't gotten close to the end of Icecrown, and end of January is fast approaching. This will be a test of my resolve.