Wednesday 10 September 2008

Spider Season

Last September our house was invaded by spiders. Big ones.

This year doesn't seem to be quite as bad yet. I'm hoping the cool summer meant fewer bugs and thus fewer spiders. We'll see.

Yesterday morning, as I was leaving for work, I just about ran into a garden spider's web spun directly between our two front hedges, right in the middle of the only path out of the house. I tore it down (with the aid of some appropriately long object).

The spider was undaunted. This morning, as I was leaving for work, the spider had set up house in exactly the same spot. I took the web down again. I *almost* felt bad about destroying its house for the second day in a row.

As I got home from work this evening, I saw the spider was at it again. By the time I took out the recycling a few minutes ago, the spider had finished yet another web, albeit to the left side of the pathway this time. I left it there for now. The recycling guys can run into it when they pick up the recycling.


Sarah said...

I shudder just looking at that picture. Yuck!

e said...

I can be your spider-killing servant. It'd toughen me up, and that? Is always good.